You want your readers to be able to find and use all the information you have written and compiled. In today's publishing world, the index often gets done at the last moment, and technical problems can arise. Publishing staff and authors know their subject material and writing techniques intimately, but rarely do they love the art of indexing as well, nor have they studied how creating an interactive index in PDF or an ebook needs to be planned. When the exhausting process of writing and design is completed, the thought of doing a meticulous detailed index, one that requires an objective and reader-minded approach, doesn't sound like much fun. Why not bring in a fresh set of eyes?

For access in all kinds of environments, you want someone who understands the publication and content delivery process, which could be web-based, as an ebook on a Kindle, on your cellphone, or in print. You could have combinations of delivery systems, and want your index to work in all of them.

A professional indexer:

  • always has the user in mind,
  • makes sure the information is accessible,
  • brings a fresh eye to the information,
  • uses powerful software to streamline the indexing process,
  • meets any editorial style needed,
  • can code indexing for ebook production, single-sourcing or content reuse processes,
  • can build standardized vocabularies or synonym sets if needed,
  • provides indexes that can be updated and searched quickly for any last-minute changes.
The index is the user's main tool to finding analyzed information. Using a professional indexer to build your index can provide your readers with a usable finding aid, not a curse-able one.

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