To help you get the most out of your project, and increase findability, explore some of the posted articles below on various aspects of indexing, technical and non-technical.

One of the best places to start researching ebook indexes and embedded indexes is the Digital Publications Indexing website, which has guides for publishers and indexers.

"The Accidental Taxonomist by Heather Hedden: a Review," The Indexer, Vol. 41 no. 2, June 2023, p. 214-215

"Book Review: Index, A History of the," Key Words, Summer, 2022

"Ebooks Indexing & Ebook Indexes, Pt. 2," Key Words, Spring, 2022

"Ebooks Indexing & Ebook Indexes, Pt. 1," Key Words, Winter, 2021

"Why Labels Shouldn't Exist - a Book Review," Key Words, Spring, 2021

"Looking for Needles in a Haystack: how do ebook reader applications handle active indexes? Part 4 - smart phones," with Mary Coe, The Indexer, March, 2021, p. 15-34

"Looking for Needles in a Haystack: how do ebook reader applications handle active indexes? Part 3 - tablet devices," with Mary Coe, The Indexer, September, 2020, p. 271-289

"Looking for Needles in a Haystack: how do ebook reader applications handle active indexes? Part 2 - dedicated ereader devices," with Mary Coe, The Indexer, March, 2020, p. 29-44

"Looking for Needles in a Haystack: how do ebook reader applications handle active indexes? Part 1 - ereader and web browser software," with Mary Coe, The Indexer, June, 2019, p. 125-140

"How to Be the Interface between Publishers and Digital Indexing Techniques," Casey, Wright and Wyman, Key Words, Summer, 2018

"Indexing Video: Timing is Everything," The Indexer, September, 2018, p. 90-95

"Preparing for an ebook: a Q&A with Jan Wright," Key Words, Spring, 2018

"Think this through with me: Indexing the Dead," The Indexer, December, 2017, p. 134-144

"Checklist for Ebook Publishing," 2017,

"Checklist for Embedded Indexing," 2017,

"Getting Started in Ebook Indexing for Indexers," 2017,

"Indexing," The Language of Technical Communication, 2016, p. 46-47

"Ereading, Joe Wikert, and the Future of Word Work," Key Words, Fall, 2016, Vol. 24, No. 3, p. 14-18

"The Matrix: Creating an Active Index in All Kinds of Formats, from All Kinds of Tools," Jan Wright, Glenda Browne, David Ream and Pilar Wyman, The Indexer, December, 2013

"EPUB3 Indexes and the Future of Indexing," Glenda Browne and Jan Wright, The Indexer, September 2013

"Intrepid Indexing," ANZSI conference, 2013

Tools of Change Ebook Indexing proposal, 2012
"Indexing in Ebooks and Content - Adding Value," Tools of Change, 2012

"Editorial: Digital Trends," The Indexer , Vol. 30, no. 1, March 2012, p. 1+

"The Devil is in the Details: Indexes vs. Amazon's X-Ray," The Indexer , Vol. 30, no. 1, March 2012, p. 11

Podcast: Ebook Ninjas - Indexing with Jan Wright, Episode 68, March 1012, and Indexes, Episode 12, November 2010

"Niceties or Necessities: A Response to Peter Meyer's 'Missing Entry: Whither the eBook Index," Key Words, Vol. 20, no. 1, January-March 2012, p. 17

"Indexing in Technical Writing," Index It Right, Vol. 2, 2010

"The Thesaurus: book review," The Indexer, Vol. 24 No. 3, April, 2005

"Interview with Jan Wright" i-Torque, 2003 (Please NOTE: file needs the password "bayside" to open!) Part One, April, 2003, on single-sourcing, taxonomies, and controlled vocabularies X

"Indexing Your Association's Publications," 2003

"Indexing with PageMaker," Software for Indexing, Information Today, Inc., 2003

"Indexing in RoboHELP," Software for Indexing, Information Today, Inc., 2003

"Thesaurus Software and Keyword Constellation Construction," A to Z: The Newsletter of STC's Indexing SIG, January, 2002

"Single Source Indexing," SIGDOC presentation, 2001

"Sonar Bookends Automatic Index Generator: A Review," Key Words, Vol. 8, 2001, p. 153+

"Setting Fees," Running an Indexing Business, American Society of Indexers, 2001

"The World of Embedded Indexing," Beyond Book Indexing, American Society of Indexers, 2000

"A Snapshot of the Indexing SIG at the Millennium," A to Z: The Newsletter of STC's Indexing SIG, January, 2000

"Company Technical Indexing," A to Z: The Newsletter of STC's Indexing SIG, September, 1998

"Indexing after the Millennium 1 -- Getting the Tools Right," The Indexer, April, 1998

"An Overview of Indexing Methods", A to Z: The Newsletter of STC's Indexing SIG, January, 1998

"How to Index Online," The Indexer, April 1997

"Working with Help Keywords," WinHelp Journal, Winter 1996, Spring/Summer, 1996

"Working in a Group: Managing PageMaker Production at Aldus," Aldus Magazine, May/June, 1990

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