Wright Information has now become the distributor for our friend Jim McChristal's book, Pikes Peak: Legends of America's Mountain. Jan has been using the text of Pikes Peak as background examples for indexing in her lectures and presentations, and is thrilled to take over distributing the book.

Pikes Peak is a great account of the history and mysteries of the mountain and Colorado's early exploration. Some of the questions it answers are:

Did Pike say the mountain could never be climbed?
Who made the first ascent?
Why was the mountain almost named "James Peak?"
Was a small child eaten by rats on the summet?
Who planned to fly a hang glider off the summit...in 1897?
When did the first automobile ascend the peak... without a road?
Was America the Beautiful written after a trip to the summit?


For more information, or to order copies of the book, please visit the Sierra Grande Press website at www.sierragrandepress.com. And, once you have it, no, Jan did not do the index, so feel free to think whatever you want!


Contact Wright Information at jancw@wrightinformation.com, or call 505-281-2600